Terms and Conditions

Brief overview outlining general terms and rules of the agreement.


The terms listed below form the agreement between both the customer and Infero Training and over-rule any terms of business or purchase or business that the customer may put forward unless the Director of Infero Training Training signs a written agreement stating otherwise. These terms relate to your use of our services.

By accessing this Infero Training branded website www.InferoTraining.com or using products and services offered by Infero Training Ltd you are agreeing to accept these terms. If you do not accept these terms, please do not use this website or the services.

Infero Training Ltd reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without notice and the new changes will apply to any orders made after the date of the changes. We will post revisions on the site. We suggest that you check here periodically.

All prices presented on the website exclude VAT (Value Added Tax).


Course Tuition

The public course tuition fee includes instructor led course, course materials, 12 month post course support and a certificate of completion. On full-day public courses (please check what you get section of a course). Infero Training Ltd also provides lunch).

It is your responsibility to inform us of any special requirements you might need.

The on-site course tuition fee includes instructor led course, 12 months post course support, Infero Training can provide computer hardware, software and networking systems necessary to deliver the course. This will be a subject to additional fee.

The course tuition fee does not include accommodation, meals, travel or any other expenses that may be incurred by our customers for the public and on-site courses.

Payment Terms

The course tuition fee inclusive of VAT is due and payable within seven days of the invoice issue date and 14 days in advance of the date of commencement of the course, whichever comes first.

Any discounts to the fees will be paid within 7 days of the invoice issue date. If the customer fails to pay the invoice by the due date then the discount will be taken away and the full price will then apply.

Invoices which are paid late will incur a surcharge at the rate of 8% over the bank base rate as well as statutory compensation fee. Infero Training Ltd also has the right to pass any unsettled and overdue debt to a commercial recovery company and/or pursue overdue debt through legal proceedings. If this action is needed then a 15% surcharge will added to the total in order to cover costs incurred in the action. If more than one course is booked using the same booking form (or listed on the same invoice), payment (inclusive of VAT) is expected in full, 14 days before the start of the first course or within 7 days of the invoice, whichever is sooner.


If for some reason the original customer cannot make the course day, then Infero Training Ltd is happy to accept a suitably qualified substitute to take their place. This however requires the customer to inform Infero Training Ltd in writing before the start day of the course to take advantage of this term. If the substitute is not suitably qualified then they will not be able to take advantage of this offer.

Rescheduling a Course place

The customer can only reschedule their place on a course once. If a customer wishes to reschedule their course place on a course commencing on a later date, they must contact Infero Training Ltd either by post at the above address or over the telephone at 0115 958 6699 to arrange this. If the course is rescheduled less than 30 days before the course commences, then an amount equalling half of the original course fee will be added to the original fees.

A rescheduling fee of £100 applies to all reschedules which Infero Training Ltd will send a separate invoice for.

Subsequent transfers will be treated as cancellation.

Cancelling a Course place

If the customer chooses to cancel their place on a course, they must send a written notice of cancellation to our office address at Infero Training, Suite 2556, 37 Westminster Buildings, Theatre Square, Nottingham, NG1 6LG. This notice must be received at least 30 days before the scheduled start of the applied for course. If the notice is received after this time, the course fees (including VAT) must be paid in full by the customer.

Any materials relating to the course that you have received or which we have sent you as part of the original order should be returned to Infero Training Ltd in their original condition at the address above at your expense. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the materials reach us so we suggest using a mail service or courier which allows the customer to track its progress. Infero Training Ltd will not accept proof of posting. If the customer doesn’t return the materials or the materials are damaged, then Infero Training Ltd may choose to charge a reasonable fee that reflects the costs incurred by us.

All cancellations are subject to a £100 cancellation charge which Infero Training Ltd will send a separate invoice for.


Non –attendance of the course is considered as a cancellation and will be subject to the terms of cancellation.

Course Postponements by Infero Training

At times, we may need to change a course location, course date, or postpone a course. We will do our best to try to give the customer notice as possible of any such change as soon as we know ourselves. If the customer is unable to attend a course at the revised location or date, we will offer to put 100% of any prepaid course tuition fees paid against a future course of the customer’s choice or refund those fees if the customer so chooses. However, any other costs incurred including travel charges or any consequential damages must be met by the customer, even if we are informed of these costs.

100% Money Back Guarantee

We are the first to say that all aspects of your relationship and interaction with a training provider are important, but of course the most crucial element of that is the quality of the training itself. So for your additional peace of mind that you will receive the best quality training we offer a money back guarantee scheme.

The quality of our course delivery is backed by our 100% Money Back Guarantee scheme for public scheduled courses only.

This guarantee is applicable only for the first 3 hours after commencement of and relating to, your current training session.

It means if you have genuine cause for concern regarding the quality of that specific lesson/session then you must inform us within that first 3 hours and only if the issue cannot be resolved straightaway, then you will be entitled to a refund.

The Money back guarantee applies only to the current unbundled course. If a course bundle has been booked, for example, there are a number of distinct training course deliverables, then the guarantee only applies to the current course/session in progress. Refunds are not made for remaining courses/session not yet started.

Price Promise Guarantee

Quotes from external providers must be provided in writing and be clearly identifiable as having originated from that external provider.

The Price Promise Guarantee only applies to training courses Infero.

Training public schedule and not to any private course bookings.

The Price Promise Guarantee only applies to training courses delivered at Infero Training central London training centre and not to those delivered at alternative venues.

The Price Promise Guarantee only applies to training courses delivered by Infero Training and not by any third party delivery partners.

Infero Training reserves the right to withdraw the Price Promise offer in any exceptional circumstances deemed to be unreasonable.

Suitability of the Course

The customer agrees that the final decision of course rests with them and therefore they should ensure that the course is suitable for the people attending. Infero Training Ltd can offer advice and suggest courses to the customer if they wish and vow not to mislead the customer.

Customer Hosted Events

In the case of a customer hosting the training, unless there has been an agreement between the customer and Infero Training Ltd, the customer is responsible for ensuring that they have access to the equipment suitable to carry out the training.

Infero Training Ltd reserves the right not to go ahead with the course if the trainer believes that the venue conditions or equipment are unsuitable for their needs.

The customer is also responsible for any catering and refreshments at the venue.

Changes to Course Programme

Infero Training Ltd has the right to change any part of its courses if circumstances beyond our control show the need for it. Even so, Infero Training Ltd will do our best to ensure that if the course is altered, that it remains similar to the published course details.


Infero Training Ltd’s liability for a loss or damage of any kind is limited to claims for damages. The maximum amount which will be paid out in the event of any damage will be the fees for the course during which the loss or damage has arisen.

Infero Training Ltd will not be held liable for any indirect, special or consequential loss (including loss of data or profit) that arise, even if it has been advised of such potential loss.

Any software which Infero Training Ltd installs on a customer’s machine will be, to the best of our knowledge free from any computer viruses. Infero Training Ltd will not be held liable should any viruses emerge from installed software and damage the customer’s computer system(s).

Force Majeure

Infero Training Ltd will be entitled to delay, cancel delivery or reduce the amount of training delivered if it is prevented from, or delayed whilst carrying out the agreed training by any circumstances which are beyond it’s reasonable control. These circumstances include: Acts of God (including fire, flood, earthquakes, storms, hurricanes, volcanic eruption or any other natural disaster), war, civil war, invasion, acts of terrorism, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), government sanction, lockout/interruption/failure of electricity or telephone service, strike action, labour dispute, military or unsurped power or confiscation, nationalisation, embargo, blockage, insurrection.

Non Solicitation

Once Infero Training Ltd has completed the delivery of a course, the customer agrees that they or any of their associated companies will not directly or indirectly employ or solicit for employment any employee of Infero Training Ltd. Should the customer break this clause, then Infero Training Ltd is entitled to recover a fee of 30% of the employee’s gross annual salary directly from the customer.

Why Choose Us

Training Options Icon from Infero Training

Training Options

Choose Instructor-led courses either from our UK based centres, your offices or take a live virtual course from anywhere in the world.

Free Assessment Icon with Infero Training

Free Assessment

Not sure what you are looking for? Our experts can advise what training would be most beneficial for you and your team.

Learn By Doing Icon with Infero Training

Learn By Doing

Immerse in your subject through practical, real world activities and actively engage with the material.

Post Course Support Icon from Infero Training

Post Course Support

Struggling to apply your new skills after the training? Our qualified trainers are available to answer any questions.

Money Back Guarantee Icon from Infero Training

100% Money Back

We are proud that 97% of our delegates recommend us. But if you still not sure, then our 100% Money Back Guarantee is here to protect you.

Happy Customers Icon from Infero Training

Happy Customers

We put our customers at the centre of everything we do. An overwhelming 97% of our delegates recommend us. Check the reviews from our happy customers.

Our Clients

700+ clients choose to train with Infero


No obligation. No hassle. We deliver what we promise.

Our Services

Training Courses Icon with Infero Training

Training Courses

We deliver over 450 Instructor-led courses either from our UK based centres, your office or via a Virtual Classroom from anywhere in the world.

Consultancy Icon with Infero Training


Whether your team needs advice on how to organise your training, learning methods or produce a learning and development strategy, our experts are here to help you.

Floor Walking Icon with Infero Training

Floor Walking

If your team has difficulties applying new skills to their work, our qualified trainers can spend time at your offices to support your team.

Our Top Training Categories

Choose from over 450 Virtual, Classroom or Onsite training courses in various subjects from
Microsoft Office to Leadership and Management.

Top FAQs about Infero

How do I know which level is right for me?

If you are unsure about which level suits you best, we recommend you to give us a call and one of our experts or trainers will be able to advise you on 0115 958 6699.

What is the duration of the course?

Each course is unique, therefore the duration varies depending on the level and type of course you take. 

Do I need any equipment for training?

For Classroom courses you usually don’t need any equipment, unless we specifically advise otherwise. For Virtual courses you will only need a computer or laptop and Internet access.

Is there ongoing support after completing the course?

Absolutely! Following the course, we provide a variety of post-course support documents so you can revisit the content at your own pace, along with offering 12 months of support via email.

Can we have a course in our own workplace?

If you are interested in learning at your own workplace, whether it be through one-to-one sessions or group training, we offer Onsite Bespoke courses.

Will I receive a certificate upon completion?

Yes, all of our courses come with a certificate of completion. Once you finish the course, we will email your certificate to you within 2-3 working days.

How experienced are your tutors?

Our company prides itself on the quality of our courses, which wouldn’t be possible without our exceptional trainers! We employ tutors with both practical and teaching experience, ensuring they possess specialist knowledge. We are happy to provide references and their profiles upon request.

Can I ask questions or seek clarification during the course?

Certainly! We design our courses to be interactive and hands-on, so questions are not only welcome but encouraged throughout the session.

Looking to book some training for your team?

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