Negotiation & Conflict Management Training Courses

Conflict management involves efficiently addressing and resolving conflicts in professional and personal settings. Learn how to identify different types of conflicts and handling techniques.

Handling Difficult People and Situations Course – Virtual
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Handling Difficult People and Situations Course

Working effectively with customers and suppliers is crucial and requires strong interpersonal skills. Learn how to find common ground, manage emotions, and chart a productive path forward.

  • Identify and understand difficult personalities and situations, including their impact and how personal beliefs and values contribute to conflicts.
  • Learn strategies for effectively managing and resolving conflicts with difficult people through active listening, exploration, solution delivery, and appreciation.
  • Develop plans and communication techniques to navigate challenging interactions, find common ground, and foster productive relationships.
Course Type
Access / Duration
Price (Excl Tax)
1 Day
1 Day

Managing Conflict Course

As a leader, it is crucial to effectively manage conflicts in order to increase success. Learn the necessary skills to manage workplace conflicts and reduce their presence.

  • Understand the impact of conflict in the workplace and develop a healthy attitude towards conflict.
  • Analyse conflicts by assessing situations and identifying their sources.
  • Learn effective communication techniques and conflict resolution strategies to manage and resolve conflicts proactively.
Course Type
Access / Duration
Price (Excl Tax)
1 Day
1 Day

Negotiating Skills Course

Negotiation is a practice of fulfilling our needs while preserving relationships. Learn negotiation principles, strategies, and new collaboration and cooperation concepts.

  • Learn to prepare effectively for business negotiations by establishing a successful mindset, researching the other party, and setting clear objectives.
  • Acquire skills to initiate negotiations, establish ground rules, and effectively communicate throughout the negotiation process.
  • Develop strategies for negotiating, handling impasses, evaluating negotiation success, and navigating unique negotiation circumstances such as cross-cultural or cross-generational interactions.
Course Type
Access / Duration
Price (Excl Tax)
1 Day
1 Day

What is Negotiation & Conflict Management?

We all negotiate every day—at work, at home, and in our relationships with friends. Negotiation is key to achieving our goals.

Our Negotiation Training course explores fundamental principles and strategies of effective negotiation. Whether you’re a sales professional or looking to assert yourself in the workplace, this course will teach you how to build relationships, take control and gain essential skills to confidently navigate any negotiation and get what you want.

Study Negotiation & Conflict Management courses with Infero Training

Discover our range of Negotiation courses tailored to meet your needs. Customised, bespoke courses can also be developed to align with your specific requirements and specifications.

Negotiating Skills: Explore negotiation principles and strategies applicable in both business and personal settings. Gain insight into the complete negotiation cycle, from preparation to follow-through, covering unique business scenarios such as cross-cultural and cross-generational negotiations, as well as negotiations with supervisors and subordinates.

In the Managing Conflict course, you will gain a deep understanding of conflict sources and how to manage them effectively.

Our Handling Difficult People and Situations course focuses on developing strong interpersonal skills. Discover how to identify and understand difficult personalities and situations, manage emotions, and find common ground.


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quote image
I am self-employed and my primary reason for taking the course was to put myself in a better position when negotiating contracts. I was very impressed with the trainer’s knowledge and approach. The day was far more fun and enjoyable than I had expected and I learned things that I can put into practice immediately.

Henry Sherwood Self-Employed

Our Clients

700+ clients choose to train with Infero

Age Well East
Amco Giffen
Backup North West
Capital On Tap
The Coal Authority
Derbyshire County Council
Midland Heart
Ministry of Defense
Next Geo
Prism Medical
Chartered Institution of Railway Operators
South Thames College Group
Nottingham City Council
East Midlands Development Agency

Top Negotiation & Conflict Management FAQs

What is the schedule for the training course?
  • Start: 9:00am
  • Break: 11:00am
  • Lunch: 1:00pm
  • Break: 3:00pm
  • Finish: 5:00pm
The schedule for 1, 2 and 3 days training will be the same but course content will vary. Times can be changed for group and onsite to start earlier, you can ask before booking.
Do I need any equipment for training?
For Classroom training courses you usually don’t need any equipment, unless we specifically advise otherwise. For Live Virtual training courses you will only need a computer, or laptop, and Internet access.
Can we have a course in our own workplace?
If you are interested in having a training course at your own workplace, whether it be through one-to-one sessions or group training, we offer Onsite Bespoke courses.
How experienced are your tutors?
Our company prides itself on the quality of our training courses, which is not possible without our exceptional trainers! Our tutors have both practical and teaching experience, and specialist knowledge. We are happy to provide references and their profiles upon request.
Is there ongoing support after completing the course?
Absolutely! Following the training course, we provide a variety of post-course support documents so you can revisit the content at your own pace, along with offering 12 months of support via email.
Will I receive a certificate upon completion?
Yes, all of our training courses come with a certificate of completion. Once you finish the course, we will email your certificate to you within 2-3 working days.

Looking to book some training for your team?

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